Thursday, June 24, 2010

26 Weeks!

Finally a week with great news. Alexa's doctors appointment started out with the usual routine & then we were given an ultrasound. I love being able to actually see our daughter. She continues to look great to the doctors. She weighed in at 1lb 15 ounces. All of her measurements were right on schedules or a little ahead. Her femur bone was measuring in the 70th percent tile! The doctor checked it a few times just to make sure. When the doctor did the final over all percent tile he took out the femur measurement. He said that one long bone cant really give an accurate result. So she is currently in the 48th percent tile & in the 60th percent tile if you include her legs. I am not sure where she got her long legs from, but we'll take it.

The doctor continued by checking on me. My cervix has not shortened anymore & that's a good thing. He feels confident that we are in a safer place now. I am allowed to do "moderate activity" for the time being. He said this is basic walking for up to an hour a day. I still need to be very careful with the heat & not to lift anything. He wants to continue to see me regularly. I go back in 2 weeks for the glucose test.

I will not have many details on Alexa's weekly development from here on out. A baby born at 26 weeks has about an 80% chance of survival. This is sooo exciting. This also means that most of the crucial development stages are behind us. During the last 14 weeks of pregnancy her organs will be maturing and she will be gaining weight. So keep it up Alexa!

This past week Justin & I traveled to Delaware/ Pennsylvania for his cousins wedding. We all had a great time. At one point my feet were swelling & I felt like shrek. I made sure to have all my fluids & did little activity. I did have 3 opportunities to swim. I love swimming when I am pregnant. It is an amazing feeling to not have any weight on my back. It seems like just a few weeks ago I was writing about people asking me if I was pregnant. Well this week I had someone ask me if I was "ready to pop?" As shocked as I was to be asked this, it was still exciting that I look that pregnant. So we are now taking the green dress out of the wardrobe... I believe she was actually embarrassed when I told her I have 3 more months.. LOL! I should have been a little more prepared for this comment after hearing I put on 2.5lbs this last week. (16 in total)

Justin & I are heading to Orlando tomorrow. We will be spending the weekend alone before the Cox family joins us on Sunday. I am looking forward to Seaworld & It's a Small World. I have a list of things I can & cannot ride, lets just say that one list is a lot longer. We will be back in Columbia next Thursday.

11 Weeks until full term & 14 weeks until our due date!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

25 Weeks Down... 15 to go

But only 12 Weeks until we hit full term. Yes, I am officially starting the count down. Alexa's chance of survival is up to 50% if she were to be born this week. She should be measuring around 13.5 inches long and weighs around a pound and a half. Around week 25, the structures of her spine are starting to form, including 33 vertebrae (rings of bone), 150 joints, and 1,000 ligaments. These structures will eventually support her body weight. Alexa's capillaries are also forming this week. Capillaries are the tiny blood vessels that move blood from the heart to tissues in the body. By the end of week 25, air sacs and blood vessels in her lungs will develop, getting her ready for her first breath.

Bedrest was very challenging for me this time. I had to skip on vacation bible school, work, cooking & really everything I enjoy in life. Of course it was what was best for Alexa, so I took it very seriously. She has continued to be very active, but lets me sleep at night.

On Wednesday we meet with the new doctor. I was very nervous going into this appointment. I was afraid that he would not be a good fit for us, that something could be wrong with Alexa and really a bunch of irrational fears. The nurse who took us back was really nice. We did the usual weigh in (105.8) and basic questions. She did an entire history on us & did the whole "Welcome" speech. After waiting a really long time for the doctor, he finally came in. Within the first 30 seconds I knew were were at the right place. He was very personable, very detailed & kept the entire appointment enjoyable.

He checked my cervix, which was still closed. We discussed the last few weeks in very close detail & he seemed to ease our worries. He said the protein test that was ran on Sunday was a huge indicator that I am not currently in preterm. He said the contractions may or may not be something to be concerned with. It can vary from one extreme to the next between people. He also believes the shortening is a very relative term. He was on the same page with the hospital when it came to having multiple people performing the test. The results cannot be compared unless its the same tech, same time of the day & the bladder is at the same level of fullness.

He did determine that I do not need to be on full bedrest for now. That was the best news I could have heard. He still insists that I take it very easy. I am allowed to do my normal activities but no extras. I cannot work out, lift anything over a few pounds or push any limits. He does not want me outside except walking to my car. His concern is the heat & dehydration. He said even if you are full hydrated, the 100* temperatures can cause problems. I am also suppose to add between 8 & 10 ounces of Gatorade to my already 4 bottles of water & 2 glasses of milk liquid in take each day. The Gatorade has electrolytes which will help with the stomach cramping.

I will be going back on Wednesday at 9am to get an internal ultrasound done & to monitor the preterm symptoms.

Justin & I will be heading to Delaware for his cousin's wedding this weekend. I will have to make sure I stay very hydrated, take frequent stops to walk & plenty of rest. Looking forward to a relaxing few days!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

No more medicine!

I want to apologize to anyone who will be hearing about this for the first time while reading this. Justin and I are doing our best to keep people informed. Feel free to call either one of us for additional information.

I started taking the turbutaline on Friday morning. I was told this would cause shakiness, jittery feelings & an increase heart rate. Through out the day on Friday I had just that. I did my best to stay hydrated & limit my activities. On Saturday morning I woke up feeling very weak with a new symptom of chest pain. I spent most of the day trying not to focus on it & stay as positive as I could. By 8pm I was having so much pain that I decide I was not going to take my next dosage of medicine and see if that helps. I ended up skipping the midnight, 4am & 8am medicines because of the nausea that started. I woke up Sunday morning very dizzy & vomiting. We made it to church & felt alright for about 2 hours. I had to leave the service about 10 minutes early and we decided to call the on-call physician. He advised me to go to the the labor & delivery unit in the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at noon. I was hooked up to a contraction monitor & heart rate monitor for Alexa. My blood pressure was taken every 15 minutes, which was high & my pulse was continually between 105-115 (high). My contractions were very minor but fairly regulatory. I was put on an IV dip for the entire time I was there. The cardiologist came in and ordered an EKG & Echo... all of which came back normal. He said I have a great looking heart. He also advised me that under no circumstance am I ever to be put on this medicine again. My heart is very "efficient" and cannot properly function under this medicine.

The OB doctor had a lot of blood work done, all of which came back normal. I was also given a test that determined I was not currently in preterm labor. My cervix is still closed. So we had really good news after 7 long hours. Basically my heart is good & I am not in labor. But, I was told I needed to see a high risk doctor & that I need to be on bedrest until I have my appointment.

I am now setting up camp in the bed & will remain here for an unknown amount of time. I will call a few new doctor's tomorrow and attempt to get in sometime this week.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

24 Weeks!

This last week once again went by quickly. We spent the weekend in Greenville with Justin's family. Donna wanted to take family pictures in football jerseys. Of course I was the only one in a Bengal's jersey, but I know next time Alexa will match me. Justin had a great time with his brothers, which he always does. Monday started a crazy week for both Justin & I. Justin spent 3 days in the field simulating what he would really be doing in Army once all his training is completed. He kept busy & enjoyed what he was doing. I really think he enjoys all the computer work & delegation involved in his job. He was unfortunate with his sleep schedule. He was given the 6am- 2pm shift. This really messed up his schedule. He was not able to sleep at all the last day & came home very tired. He took a 4 hour nap & then slept 10 hours that night. He still does not feel back to normal. I took Bengal & Carson to Cincinnati. I am very happy that I-40 is open & it made the trip less than 8 hours each way. When I arrived home on Tuesday I was very exhausted. Wednesday I went back to work & feel good to be back into the swing on things.

Alexa continues to grow more proportional each and every day. During pregnancy week 24 her organ systems continue to mature as do the central nervous system, digestive system and even reproductive and circulatory systems. Your baby's lungs are also starting to form little branches and will eventually start producing a substance called surfactant, which prevents her lungs from sticking together and helps the baby to breathe after birth. Alexa's survival rate is about 39% if she were to be born this week. Still way to early, but getting closer every day.

I started this blog yesterday & am continuing it today to include the most recent doctors visit. Everything started out like the typical appointment. I was weighted in at 105.4lbs & had a normal range blood pressure reading. We were then given an ultra sound. Alexa was kicking up a storm. She continually bounced around & put on a good show for us. She really looks like her Daddy. I was then taken to see the doctor. We talked about the braxton hicks contractions that I have been experiencing for 8 weeks. She wanted to make sure the cervix was not shortening. So I was sent back to the ultra sound tech where they measured my cervix at 2.79, which is was indeed shorter than the 3.2 I was measured at previously. I was then hooked up to the contraction monitor for about 30 minutes. I was not having an contactions but there was uterine irritations. They prescribed terbutaline sulfate to hopefully relax the uterus. I was told to take it easy. This means no extra anything, including walking. I can still continue with work & our normal plans... but nothing extra. I will go back on Thursday to be measured again. (6 days)

That's about it for now.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another week down...23 Weeks today!

This is the first time I can say that a week has gone by quickly. This week was also the first time that someone who did not know I was pregnant asked if I was. It may have something to do with me rubbing my belly all the time or that I am actually really showing. I enjoy being asked if I am pregnant or when I am due. But the follow up question is ALWAYS, how old are you? I am glad they are asking, so I can proudly say that I will be 23 next month, instead of them thinking I am 16 or 17. If I can tell I am getting stared at, but they are uncomfortable asking then I make a comment about my husband & they stop looking so judgmental towards me.. :) Overall, I enjoy looking pregnant & love talking to people about it.

This week we enjoyed the rest of our trip to the beach & all 5 of us made it home safely. We shopped at the Tanger outlets in Charleston, Justin had fun buying Alexa some clothes. It's the first time that we personally have bought anything new for her. Justin found her a few Christmas outfits & a half dozen or so pants sets. Alexa's dresser arrived this week. Justin and I have both been to exhausted to even think about putting it together. So it will get pushed off for a few weeks.

Alexa's growth this week is very similar to last week. She should still be around 11 inches and about a pound in weight. If we could look into the womb we would see that she looks very much like a newborn baby, just much smaller. Some say they look like small dolls at this stage. She should also be able to hear noises from outside of my body. She is currently very active & you can feel & watch her move through my clothes.

The most exciting thing about week 23 is that she now has a chance of survival if she were to be born early. Of course our goal is full term, but this does not always happen. Fetal survival rate is around 17% if born at 23 weeks. Yes I am very aware on how small of a percent that is. But it is a real reminder that I have a little human growing inside of me. I cannot believe that she has the capability of surviving outside of my body already. But lets all keep praying for another 3 1/2 more months of healthy pregnancy, then we can start wishing her out.

This week we will be traveling to Greenville to see Brandon graduate from high school & then celebrate with a party. On Monday I will be taking our furry children to Cincinnati to spend a month with their Grandma. Actually, my mother has agreed to watch them for a month while Justin & I will be traveling. They tend to do better being in one place instead of being carried around from house to house. Over the next 4 1/2 weeks Justin & I will spend a total of 9 nights at our apartment & the rest of the time we will be out taking on the world. Oh the joys of summer!