Sunday, May 15, 2011

8 Months Old

So much has happened in the last month. We started the month off with Easter Egg Hunts. When we arrived at the first post hunt Alexa was sound asleep. I ended up driving back home and letting her sleep. The next day we had the neighborhood egg hunt. I took a blanket with us. I would put Alexa on the blanket next to an egg and encourage her to find the egg. I learned very quickly that it was not going to happen. I ended up putting a few eggs on her blanket and she was happy.

Alexa started at the CDC full time. She is the butterfly room. Her teachers are great. I really like her lead teacher, Ms Carolyn. Her classroom has 4 infants (6months-12 months) and 5 pre-tots (12months- 18 months). It is a very interesting dynamic. The first few days Alexa was over stimulated and had a lot of trouble sleeping. I am told she really enjoys going outside, which they do every day weather permitting. Since she has started there she has learned to wave. Its not the traditional wave but more of a flapping of her arms. On her second day Ms. Carolyn told me Alexa had a great time all day but when she put her on her stomach she gave her attitude.

We have had Ariel over for three play dates recently. Alexa and Ariel have a good time playing together. Alexa loves that Ariel brings her toys. We did some finger paint & lots of playing. We even had one sleep over. The girls slept in separate rooms but enjoyed their breakfast together. Alexa sleeps really well after her play dates. I think we will need to have Ariel over more often ;)

Easter weekend we flew to Cincinnati. The flight there was wonderful. The plane was less than half full. Alexa played in the seat next to me and was very happy. Everyone complimented me on how well behaved Alexa was. It is a great feeling when people compliment your child. Our weekend in Cincinnati was brief. We spent Saturday with my Dad. We took Alexa to see the Easter bunny & out to lunch with Megan & Matthew. In the evening we saw Maggie, Jeff & David. Alexa slept on the car ride to my Mom's but woke up to play for a few minutes before going to bed. Sunday morning we were about to see Heather, Jan and her children. We spent the afternoon at Megan's with the rest of the family. I am glad Alexa and Matt were able to have some time together. I am sure they will not remember it, but we took pictures.

Sunday night we were scheduled to fly home at 8:40pm. The flight was delayed a few times and we did not take off until after 10pm. Alexa was TERRIBLE on the plane. She was overly tired and was not happy. She screamed for a few minutes straight. It was not a normal cry, instead it was a high pitched yell. The man who was sitting next to me was someone I was talking to while waiting at the airport. He offered to try calming Alexa and out of desperation I handed her over. She went to sleep after a minute of him rocking her. He has 4 boys at home, two of which were 1 year old twins. Clearly his experience was appreciated by our full plane. Alexa slept the rest of the flight in my arms. After a lot of small delays we made it home just after midnight.

The next week was all about catching up on sleep, chores & FRG obligations. Alexa continued to thrive in her new daycare. It is very relieving to pick up a happy baby & hear all the great things she did that day. Alexa's teachers took pictures of her playing and napping for me. I was pleasantly surprised with Alexa's first piece of artwork. It was a cloth that was painted & colored on. That Friday was Military Child Appreciate Day. Alexa's class was participating in the parade. I walked with her class for the entire thing. Alexa was asleep during most of it, but it was still adorable. Who does not love a baby parade?

Alexa continues to get the hiccups fairly regularly. Recently she has started making the sound of "ut oh" while she hiccups. I did get a few minutes of it on video. I have not been able to get her to say "ut oh" outside of the hiccups.

Last Wednesday I received a phone call at 11am from Alexa's daycare. They told me she had a 101 fever & was lethargic. I told her to the doctor and was given an antibiotics for her eyes & told to give her Tylenol for the fever. We stayed home on Thursday and tried to go back on Friday. I made it 2 hours at work before getting called again. We spent the weekend taking medicine every 4 hours and trying to rest. For some reason Alexa did not want to be on her back. She slept on me for her naps and woke up every few hours during the night.

I also hit a huge milestone this month. I moved Alexa's crib back into her bedroom. When Justin left for basic training over two years ago I really struggled living alone. I slept with the TV on and the bedroom door locked. Over the 5 months he was gone I got to the point where I was able to shut the tv off but still kept the bedroom door locked. We he deployed I knew I would have some trouble but gave myself the goal of putting Alexa in her room before he returned. Alexa has been in our room since she was born. Even though she is a great sleeper I have always enjoyed her being in there. I liked being able to check on her whenever I needed to. On Mother's Day I felt ready to make the transition. It did feel good to final get her nursery put together.

The last week Alexa has returned to her normal self. We jumped right back into our routine. We both made it a full week at work/school. The weather was in the 90's and then down to the 50's. We had very few days were it was not too hot or too cold to go outside.

This month we are looking forward to our weekend trip to Chicago as well as Alexa's swim lessons.