Saturday, June 18, 2011

9 Months Old!

Alexa has officially been alive longer than I was pregnant. Every month I say it, I cannot believe how old she is.

We had our first trip to Chicago this month. We left after work/school on Friday. Alexa did great on the plane. Grandma & Grandpa McKinney picked us up at the airport. I think we surprised them on how much stuff we brought. When we made it back to their house Alexa was exhausted. Grandma rocked her to sleep. It is a great feeling to see my Grandparents love my daughter as much as I do. On Saturday we went to my 2nd cousins house to visit. We were able to see a bunch of family that we do not normally get to. Alexa did not have much interest in her cousin's Matthew or Ethan. Her independent personality comes out when she is in group settings.

On Sunday we went to Brookfield Zoo. To our surprise it rained on us. Not the normal rain but the storm, flooding cold rain. Even though it rained and we all got colds as a result, it was nice. I am glad we had the opportunity to go. Alexa and I had to go home on Monday (Memorial Day). Alexa did a good job traveling once again. She even made a friend on the airplane :)

When we got home from Chicago, Alexa was a little off. She ended up getting an ear infection. This is her first one. We had to find out in a tough way. Her school called me saying she had a fever and needed to be picked up. I took her to work with me for 2 hour. We then went to urgent care since I could not get her into the doctors that day. Urgent care took her temp and it read 104.5 I about fell over. They sent us straight to the ER. They told me they were afraid if it went any higher she could seize. I did my best to stay within the speed limit but got to the hospital quickly. They took us back right away. Alexa was given Motrin & some medicine for her ears. We left with an antibiotics prescription. She recovered in just a few days. She then went on as though nothing happened.

A few days before Jackie's wedding I started feeling guilt about not going. Luckily we were able to get it worked out for us to be able to go. We had a lay over on each leg of the trip. Although Alexa did OK, the lay overs made it tough. She was not able to get on the ground and play for several hours. Charlotte was a lot of fun. Alexa was able to meet her Great-Great Aunt's & Uncle as well as many other family members. Alexa embraced them all with smiles & giggles. She went to anyone who wanted to hold her. Alexa was able to do a little bit of swimming with Matthew. She was a bit shy but enjoyed the water. During the wedding Alexa stayed with Matthew. He is a 13 year old 3rd cousin of mine that has very minimal babysitting experience. They had a rough few hours but once I put Alexa to bed there was no more issues. I am certain Matthew will not be babysitting by choice anytime soon :)

It was finally time for Alexa's swim lessons. We did them here on post. The pool water was freezing. This made the classes a little tough on both of us. We did the condensed version of class. We had class Monday through Thursday for two weeks. It made our schedule a bit challenging but well worth it. Alexa had a lot of fun with her friends. Her class was made up for 5 kids aging 9 months (Alexa being the youngest) to 18 months. Alexa's "boyfriend" Nathan was also in the class. Alexa did really good with humpty dumpty. The kids sit on the low ledge as we sing the humpty dumpty song. They then fall in (only to their chest) & then turn and reach for safety. Alexa totally understood this. I would help her turn & she would grab the wall. It was actually a joke because she would not let go. She also really enjoyed playing with the pool toys. She held the ducks in her hand during most of the classes. I took the teachers advice of not putting Alexa's face under water. She said although most children do not have problems with it, it can cause ear infections. Since we were just getting over one I decided not to risk it. Alexa "graduated" swim lessons. We are planning on doing the August session as well.

Alexa started crawling this month. It is not a mastered skill but she has certainly made huge progress. I do not believe she will ever use crawling as a way to get around but at least she knows how. She turns her butt and scoots around. She seems to prefer this over crawling. She has also started pulling up on tables & couches. She has a hard time with the glass table. Its as if she cannot fully focus on it & then her hands slide. This is very new to her but she works on it each day. I am certain it will not be long before she starts inching her way around things. I guess I need to start thinking about child proofing the house.

Alexa has grasped the concept of talking. She does not say a lot of words but she makes a lot of sounds. When she has the cell phone in her hand she will babble. She also talks to her toys at home and in the car. It is great to hear her voice. I am afraid she is going to be a chatterbox like her Momma.

Alexa also had her 9 month well baby appointment. She is 27 1/4 inches long, 16lbs 10oz & her head measured 17 1/2 inches. So she is doing great. She is average in height, a little low on her weight & has a big head. I could not be more proud :) I have really stopped worry about her weight. She eats until she is full & seems happy. I am sure she will be just fine. If she happens to be over 5ft tall then she is lucky.

One of Alexa's favorite things to do is video chat with Justin. She gets sooo excited when she sees him. She crawls over to the screen and tries to type. Sometimes I have to pull her back because she gets so close all Justin can see is the top of her head. I love watching the two of them interact. I cant wait for Justin to come home so our family can be back together. Though the technology is making it a bit easier.