The month started off with a quick trip to the doctor's office. Alexa had what I thought was excess drainage from her ear. The doctor said they looked good so it looks like I was just being an over protective mother.
Alexa's therapy is going great. She will now eat cheerios, puffs, crackers, small fruits & veggies and the occasional meat. She has made HUGE progress in the last few weeks. We are still working on a few things but overall she is caught up to her age level. Maureen will only be coming every other week.
Alexa's 1 year old photos were by far our hardest session. She refused to smile. She sat looking very serious at the photographer. The only time I was able to get her to smile was when I was holding her hands and she walking around.
A few days after turning one we had Alexa's well baby appointment. The doctor says Alexa is doing great in every aspect except for her eating. They always seem to be impressed with her high vocabuluary. The doctor said 1 year olds should be associating 3-5 words and say about 7 in total. Alexa's vocab includes the basic Momma, Da da, hi, ut oh & then the harder ones hello, apple, banana (nana when she is being lazy), kitty, up, night night (ni night), and then anything we ask her to repeat. We have been working on body parts. She can point out her head, nose, eyes & shoes.
I gave myself a goal of getting Alexa's baby book order before the month was over. It was very time consuming & ended up being 66 pages long with over 300 pictures in it. It looks amazing & I am very happy with it.
The week after Alexa's birthday I had to work on Saturday for just a short time. Unfortunately the daycare center was not open that Saturday. Alexa stayed with our neighbors out of town guest & had a great time. They took her & Ariel (her 18 month old best friend) on a long wagon ride to all the garage sales. Later in the afternoon they even painted Alexa's toes. I am glad she is enjoys being around other people as much as she does. When I dropped Alexa off, Ariel cried that I was leaving & Alexa waved. :)
Alexa had her follow up ENT appointment. It went well overall. Alexa's ears looked great. The doctor put a small camera through her nose and down her throat to make sure nothing looked unusual. The doctor said her throat was a little red, similar to an acid reflect child. She gave us some medicine for that as well as to help her dry up her nose. She is hoping the combination of medicines will give her a better quality of life. I have filled the prescriptions but we have not started them yet. In the afternoon we had a nutritionist appointment. She said everything Alexa was eating was right on track. Her only suggestion was to increase her meat intake. She suggested adding meat to her breakfast (eggs) and trying beans for dinner. She LOVES the idea of keeping Alexa on toddler milk as well as whole milk. She says its a good balance to make sure she is getting all of the vitamins she needs. So we will continue using 4oz of toddler milk with 3oz of whole milk in each sippy cup.
This last Thursday Alexa's school called me to report a small bleeding diaper rash. I took her to the doctor and she gave us some medicine for it. It did not seem to bother her much, but we are at least being proactive with it.
This weekend was also my small surgery. After 6 years it was determined that the screws in my upper tibia should be removed. My Mom came in town to take care of Alexa and me. The procedure was a piece of cake. Alexa really enjoyed spending time with her Grandma. It was a HUGE help to me to have her here. This is the longest I have ever gone without changing a diaper. I started feeling better rather quickly so we were able to enjoy the nice weather. We went to the Farmer's Market to get some bread, out for coffee, to the Carousel Museum & had a snack in the park. Alexa's had a tough time walking in the grass.
Overall it's been another great month. This month we are looking forward to Halloween, Megan & Matthew's visit and then our weekend trip to Atlanta.