We made it!!! Baby Addison is considered full term from the medical stand point. Full term really just means all the organs are developed and the baby should be safe if she arrived at this time. I have also learned that babies born between 37 and 39 weeks are at higher risk for jaundice (like Alexa had), breast feeding issues and weight issues. So of course our goal is to make it until 39 weeks. Either way, she will come when she is ready & we are very excited to meet her.
At 36 weeks I had my cervix checked. I was 2 centimeters & 50-60% effaced. 10 days later I was still 2 centimeters & 70% effaced. So we are making slow progress. I am hoping I will dilate a little more before my next appointment. :) I have gained a total of 29lbs as of 37 weeks.
We are very close to being completely ready for Addison's arrival. I have installed her new car seat in my car, packed her bags & her room is ready for her. We still need to finish packing the rest of the family's bags, put up her wall letters (once they arrive) and get her video system installed. I believe we have everything else ready to go.
Alexa keeps asking me if it is Addison's birthday. It's adorable, yet hard at the same time to explain to her what "soon" means. We are at the point where everyone keeps asking her if she is ready to be a big sister. She of course has no idea what that really means. I am still very eager to see how she responds to her new sister and really hope the change is not too overwhelming for her.
My fabulous co-workers through us a surprise shower this week. Our office was decorated with pink balloons, table clothes & an "It's a Girl" sign. I truly had no idea it was happening until I pulled up to work that morning. We were given lots of care items, including diapers and a gift card. There was lots of breakfast foods, flowers & great friends. It made me VERY excited to go into labor.
This weekend I am going to finish my small things to do list & then hopefully start my count down next week.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
35 Weeks- Officially in the home stretch!
35 Weeks feels so close, yet so far from "D" day. Just not knowing rather we have 2 weeks or 5 makes it feel sort of nerve wrecking. I better start back to where I left off 2 weeks ago. 33-34 weeks really started with lots of contractions. Overall they have been relatively painless up to to this point. Over the last two weeks I have had two episodes of painful contractions 2-3 minutes apart that tapered off. Throughout the day I am feeling them quite frequently. I cannot remember how these are compared to Alexa's pregnancy. As long as we get to full term I am going to do my best to not worry about them.
I have gained 27lbs up to this point, I am sure there is more to gain before she arrives. My knees are crackling more & my hands are getting swollen. You can say pregnancy just go real for me. My energy level is decreasing, yet my list of things to do seems to be growing.
I don't want to sound all negative when describing my pregnancy. I really am enjoying feeling her move around in my belly & preparing for her arrival. When I think about this being my last pregnancy I get really sad. I love being able to create a human life inside of me and day dream about what this new person will be like.
The next week or two I am going to finish up all the last minute shopping, install the car seat and pack my hospital bags. Hopefully when she does make her arrival we will be all ready.
34 Days to go until our due date!
I have gained 27lbs up to this point, I am sure there is more to gain before she arrives. My knees are crackling more & my hands are getting swollen. You can say pregnancy just go real for me. My energy level is decreasing, yet my list of things to do seems to be growing.
I don't want to sound all negative when describing my pregnancy. I really am enjoying feeling her move around in my belly & preparing for her arrival. When I think about this being my last pregnancy I get really sad. I love being able to create a human life inside of me and day dream about what this new person will be like.
The next week or two I am going to finish up all the last minute shopping, install the car seat and pack my hospital bags. Hopefully when she does make her arrival we will be all ready.
34 Days to go until our due date!
Monday, July 1, 2013
33 Weeks!
The last three weeks have been mostly uneventful. At 31 weeks we had a routine doctor's appointment. Nothing really stood out. Addison's heart beat was good & everything measured just as it should. I got my hospital registration packet and started getting all the paper work completed. My pre-registration appointment is July 12th. I will be 35 weeks then. I was planning on doing it sooner but decided I would wait until my first furlough day. Justin, Alexa and I went for our hospital tour. It was very brief but got me really excited. The labor & delivery unit seems great. The rooms are huge. The hospital offers whirlpools, birthing balls and lots of little extra amenities. The Mother/Baby unit seems nice as well. The rooms are small but still seem comfy.
The end of last week started out with a scare. Addison typically moves like crazy during most of the day & then chills out for a few hours at a time. When she is calm I can still poke her & she will jab me back. On Thursday morning I felt NOTHING. I went over 2 hours with absolutely no movement. I drank lots of fluids, ate a banana & some candy and still nothing. I called the doctor and he wanted to see me right away. Justin picked me up and we went. The doctor wanted an ultra sound down. Addison's heartbeat was strong and consistent. The ultra sound tech did a few tests on her to check her responses. She seemed to try for more than 5 minutes to get her to move/wake up before she finally responded. She ended up giving her an 8/8 on her NST (Non-stress test).
I had my routine appointment today. Addison's heartbeat was 155 and measured perfect. I have gained 24 lbs on the doc's scale. She told me if I do not feel 4-5 movements in 2 hours then to call right away or if I am concerned outside of that. I really feel a lot better knowing she is just a morning sleeper. The doctor also checked me to make sure we are not having any early labor signs. I am 1 centimeter dilated & 50% effaced. This is about where I should be for a second baby & being 33 weeks. So I am going to do my best to relax for the next 2 weeks.
Over the last few weeks we have also been working on getting the house/nursery ready for Addison's arrival. I got all the clothes washed & put way. It took a really long time to get everything sorted by size. I made my big list of everything that needs to be done before she arrives. So far it has around 20 items on it. I am trying to do at least one a day to get things done before I hit full term. We shall see.
Happy July!
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