Friday, October 25, 2013

Farewell Maternity Leave... You Will Be Missed

Addison Alena is 12 weeks old. This means, legally I have to return about to work if I want guarantee job protection. I don't think it would ever be easy to return but I am grateful to have been able to take the full 12 weeks. On my first day back I decided I could not do it. I missed the girls to much (after 10 minutes of being there). Justin and I talked about this previously and he told me if I wanted to stay home, he would support me. So I walked into my bosses office (remember this is 710 in the morning) and told him I needed to be home with my girls. He first thought I meant I needed a longer maternity leave. After some discussion he understood my intentions. He then told me he could not allow me to resign. He really wanted to help me no matter what that meant. I was truly humbled by the conversation. I really felt appreciated and loved. He offered me the option to work from home part time but I had to come in for 4 hours once a week. SOLD! I was pumped up. Starting on the 28th I will begin my teleworking. I am super nervous on how I will handle Addison and work for 4 hours every day. I know others have done it so I am going to give it a shot. It is completely up to me on when or if I want to return to regular office hours.

Alexa June will still be in her pre-school room. I am going to take her early and pick her up around lunch time. I think this will allow her to have the social interaction and the structure she needs. Of course this is only for 7 more months before we move on to our next adventure. Life around here is always changing. So far it has been for the better. We are just enjoying the ride!

Addison has developed the sweetest personality. She loves to play with her mobiles, kick and plays and her big sister. She smiles and laughs more than I thought a 2 month old could. After she eats she is the happiest baby ever. I love those moments. Even during her middle of the night feeding she smiles sooo big. Love those moments more than anything. Addison unhappy moment happens the second she gets put into her car seat. That's when you see the "mean muggin" face.

Addison had her first babysitter this month. Justin and I attended the military police ball. Justin was the adjutant, which meant he introduced everyone to the guest of honor as they walked through the line. My close friend and co-worker Rebecca stayed downtown at our hotel and took care of the girls. Addison of course would not take a bottle so I ran up every few hours. Over all it went well. I of course HATED being away from her but it was good for both of us. Justin and I even spent 3 hours out with some friends afterwards.

Addison is 12 weeks old. She is over 11 pounds and for the first time I am not worried about her weight. I love being more relaxed with her than I was with Alexa. I feel like I a can stop stressing and just enjoy her. Everything about being a Mommy is awesome and I just love my girls. We are looking forward to Halloween, our Disney trip & Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2 Months Old!

Addison met her last set of Grandparents. Justin's Dad and step- Mom Susan came in town. Whenever we have visitors coming I try to show Alexa pictures and teach her their names. I want to make sure she is comfortable when they arrive. When showing Alexa a picture of her Grandparents she picked names for them. They are now Papaw & Suzie. Haha! They loved it. We spent the weekend with them and had a great time. Alexa told Suzie she was her best friend and was really sad when they left. This was Alexa when we said they were leaving. :(
Another big first for Addison was our traditional trip to the pumpkin patch. We found this pumpkin patch when we arrived in Kansas 3 years ago. Alexa was 5 weeks old and smaller than most of the pumpkins there. 2 years ago we went with Megan & Matthew and last year it was just the three of us.

Addison had her 2 month well baby appointment. She weighed in a 9 lb 9 ounces, 22 inches long and her head was 40 centimeters. She is catching up to the "average" size of an infant after being born 2 1/2 weeks early. She did have one minor issue which is being taken care of. Over all she is doing great. She even smiled and gave a small giggle to Dr. G. Addison had 4 shots. Three in her legs and one in her mouth. The one in her mouth should have been the easiest but instead she threw up the entire thing and her last meal. It was exhausting!

On October 1st Justin was promoted to the rank of captain. Alexa, Addison and I had the honor of standing next to him. Alexa was even able to put on his new rank hat. It was a great time & the first time we have seen him be promoted. If he decides to stay in the military it will be another five years before he is up for Major. We are very proud of him.

October is going to be a tough month for me. I am scheduled to return back to work and Addison will be at Ms. Darlene's house. There is nothing about returning to work that I am looking forward to. At this point I am just praying it will a little easier that I am anticipating. We have lots of long weekends to look forward to & then Christmas in just 2 months.