Sunday, June 15, 2014

Summer Break in Arizona

This is going to be the best summer ever. This is the first "summer break" I have had as a Mommy. We started out the month touring schools and activities for Alexa. I felt so far behind since most schools started enrolling 5-6 months ago. My favorite school that I researched prior to arriving Arizona has a HUGE wait list. Alexa is 8th on the list in a class of 10 kids. So we knew that was not a realistic option. We ended up picking the 8th school we toured. It's called KinderBugs. They are owned by a lady and her sister in-law. Their school is beautiful, the teachers have degrees and the students were so polite. I felt like the staff and environment was the perfect example of what I want Alexa to grow into. Alexa will be in a prek class. I really hope it's a good fit for her. The school has a kindergarten as well. So next year we have the option of keeping her there or putting her into one of the charter schools. She starts school in 2 months. Slow down summer!

Alexa has started at one of the preschools I toured in their summer program. This school has great education standards but they lean a little more Montessori then we are looking for. Their summer program allows the kids to get down and get dirty but also have the flexibility to just be kids. Alexa comes home covered in dirty and exhausted each day. She goes 2 days a week for 3 hours. So far it's been great.

The girls and I have been swimming almost everyday. Addison seems to enjoy her float. I think she will be happier when she can play in the water on her own two legs more. When we moved here almost 4 weeks ago, Alexa swan very passively with her puddle jumper on. She decided really quickly she was too big (even though she is still smaller than the minimum weight) for her puddle jumper. She then started jumping in on her own. Now she takes running starts (only a few feet) and jumps as far as she can. She likes to swim to the bottom of the pool for dive sticks and she tries to keep up with the big kids. I am really proud at how far she has come. I am still very torn on swim lessons at this time. She is progressing so fast with watching her friends that I don't know how much benefit swim lessons will be. I think we will hold off until the pool closes in October/November to do swim lessons indoors.

Some moments I want to remember..

  • Alexa woke up as I was taking Addison out of her crib. Alexa was upset because I did not say good morning to her. I quickly went over and said good morning. Alexa asked me where all her cookies where at. Knowing Alexa does not eat cookies I told her I was going to let the cows out. She said OK and rolled over back to sleep.
  • Addison now says Hi and waves to people. Such a happy girl!
  • Addison will drop her knees when Justin is holding her so he is forced to make her dance.
  • Alexa refers to herself as medium. She said she is not little like babies & the big kids say she is not big yet, so she is medium.

We have 8 weeks left of summer. We already have a trip scheduled to San Diego, Nana is coming in town for a week & we are heading to Ohio for almost 2 weeks. We are hoping to visit the Grand Canyon and spend lots of time at the Zoo, local farms and water park.

Monday, June 2, 2014

10 Months Old

Addison Alena is officially 10 months old. She has 3 teeth. The two on bottom that she got over the last few months and one on top. It's not the top center but instead one to the left (when you are looking at her). She seems to be getting her teeth really slowly. She likes to bite legs, arms and really anything she can reach. I am trying to teach her that biting hurts but so far all I get is giggles out of her. Oh well! Alexa still tells her that we bite food, not people.

Addison just started crawling. She crawls with her left leg facing forward sort of like a sitting position and the right leg in a normal crawling position. Somehow she makes it work for her. She looks even more like a grizzly bear these days. I love her like growl type cry and crawl together. Addison is much happier now that she can move around. She gets suck under tables and around corners. Alexa has learned to put things away or Addison will get to them. There are definitely positives to a crawling baby. She can pull to stand but she doesn't take any steps around furniture or while someone holds her hands.

Addison is a great eater. She is eating 3 solid meals with 2 snacks mixed in there. I still give her about 6 oz of baby food a day. Just to make sure she is full after each meal. She is starting to use sippy cups but still mostly nurses. I wish I could get her to take more from a sippy but she doesn't like them. Once she hits a year I will start working on weaning. Until them we are just going to enjoy our extra time together. Nursing my baby to sleep is one of the sweetest things I have ever done. :) Way better than pumping!!!

Talking! Addison likes to babble all day long. She is constantly making sounds. She still only says Momma, Dadda & Hi. She is starting to repeat things but it's a rare thing.

Addison has been sleeping in the "Girls Room" for a few weeks now. It's weird to not have a baby in my room with me. I admit I do sleep better but I miss her being near me. She usually wakes up once a night to nurse. On the nights she doesn't wake up I usually wake up and check on her. Nothing like watching your babies sleep. Now that Addison is teething she seems to be waking up in pain. Fortunately once the new tooth comes in she goes back to only waking up once or on the rare occasion she sleeps through the night. Hopefully that will improve of the next few months as well.

Addison and I will be starting a music class. It will be our first one on one activity. I cant wait to get that extra time to focus my attention on just her.

Addison is a very sweet girl. She smiles every time someone makes eye contact with her. She does get very sad when she is by herself on the floor or having to wait to be picked up. She likes to have constant attention and love.