Thursday, October 9, 2014

Alexa's well visit

Alexa's 4 year old well visit was this week. She wanted to know what the doctor was going to do. She has recently become super interested in knowing every details of well everything. So I explained that she will check her ears and eyes. Alexa then asked if she will get shots (she has seen Addison get several). I told her that she will have to get a few shots to help her from getting sick. She seemed ok but nervous about them. Once we got to the doctors office things changed. She no longer wanted to go back. Luckly she is an easy going kid and went without any struggle. Our tiny little four year old is 29.3lbs & 38.5 inches. She passed her vision & hear tests with flying colors. The doctor said she is doing great. We were given a few suggestions on her eating but it's not something they were overly worried about. Apparently picky eaters, even with sensory issues is pretty normal. We are hopefully she will want to stay trying more foods soon.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Addie Lu is 14 Months Old

Addison Alena is 14 months old. Addison wears mostly 18 months clothes and size 3 shoes. Honestly she rarely wears shoes or bows. She is a get down and dirty type of girl with a HUGE personality. Addison is generally a good eater. I am starting to notice her preferences and it scares me. I want to make sure I expose her to lots of different foods so she doesn't become a picky eater. Addison will drink anything out of any cup. This is such a huge accomplishment. Only 4 months ago Addison wouldn't take anything but her Momma. Now she will drink out of soft or hard tops as well as open tops. Life is so much easier when she doesn't need me when she is thirsty. We are still nursing a few times a day. I think we will be done nursing before Christmas. I am not pushing it or excited to see it ending. Whatever works for Addison I am OK with at this point.

Addison has recently started taking 6-8 steps at a time. She still prefers to to crawl when she can. I would guess she will be walking full time in the next month. Her big sister will be in trouble then. Addison likes to climb up things (slides, stairs etc). Addison gets super excited when we go out the front door because she knows we will be going on a wagon ride. It's really the most excitement she shows. She loves to swim and go to baby ballet class.

Addison went from being a not so great sleeper to sleeping 12 hours a night this week. I am hoping this is a permanent change but it may to too early to tell. Although I tend to lean more toward the "crunchy parent" over the "independent parent" there are some things I feel are beneficially from different parenting approaches. I have not allowed either of my girls to "cry it out" mostly because I would rather comfort them then risk hurting our emotional bond. Well now that Addison is 14 months old I felt she may need some assistance in learn how to regulate her sleep. Alexa was always a good sleeper so this is all new to me. I have set a small schedule for Addison at bed time. It used to always include us nursing which I felt was a great bonding moment at the end of each day. Well I decided to try not nursing her to sleep anymore and so far she has slept 12 hours each night.

Addison says a few words but mostly just points and screams when she wants something. I have started whispering to her when she screams at it has helped quieted her down a little bit. She may just be our loud child. Addison likes to give high fives and laughs at everything (especially her big sister). She really is a sweet kid. I cant wait to see her personality show through more and more as she gets older.