Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas this year was very unique. We weren't able to do a ton of decorating and we had Addison health and well as the impending move hanging over our heads. We found out about the Grand Canyon's Polar Express in November and decided it would be a great experience for our family. We left on the morning of Christmas Eve. We drove North and watched the temperature drop. The hotel was straight out of a post card. The train depot was in the back of the property behind the hotel. The girls loved running around looking at the trains and holiday decorations. We all wore our matching pajamas and boarded the train at 515pm.
The train ride started with hot coco and cookies. We were able to see the town of William's Christmas lights and the mountains in the distance. The story, Polar Express was being told in the background. The girls had a great time. Once we got to the North Pole we saw Santa and the reindeer. Santa then boarded the train we sang Christmas carols on the way back. Alexa LOVED the singing. Once we got back we got a better picture with Santa before calling it an early night.

The next morning was Christmas. Santa visited us in the hotel and the girls were excited to see the gifts he left. After breakfast at the most adorable train restaurant we drove home. We saw snow for the first & probably last time of the winter. It only last a minute but we are counting it. 

Once we got home the girls opened up their presents from their Grandparents and other family members. We ended the day as a family and then had to pack up all the Christmas stuff to prepare for the movers. Overall it was a great Holiday and one we wont soon forget. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Addison's Medical Scare

The sweet little girl that makes us constantly want to give her kisses and "squeeze" her sure likes to give us some medical scares. I am hoping it's not a precursor for whats ahead. The neurosurgeon that we saw about two weeks ago sent us for a CT scan. The scan was scheduled for two days before Christmas. Our family was at a stand still until after everything came back (clear in our minds). Looking back I feel bad about not being able to enjoy more of the holiday festivities because of the impending test.

On the morning of the 23rd we dropped Alexa off at her friend Elyssa's house. Alexa was sooo excited and didn't even have a chance to say bye to me at drop off. I knew she was going to have a fun day. Once Addison and I arrived at the hospital the nerves kicked in. Addison was greeted by a group of teenagers handing out stuffed animals to the children. Addison LOVES her purple bunny that she was given. She carried it around all morning & it still sleeps with her a month later. We did the usual registration before being sent to imaging. We had to wait over an hour from the time we got to the hospital before we were finally called back. The man who greeted us was very nice and took us on the dreaded walk to the CT scan.

Once we were in there Addison was put on the table and first swaddled (or wrangled) and then strapped down. During the test I had to hold Addison chin still. She was sooo upset that she kept breaking the head strap off. The test took about 10 minutes total. Eventually Addison got worn out and fell asleep. It was very strange for her to fall asleep in that sort of environment.

We had a two hour break from the end of the CT until our follow up with the surgeon.

Once we met with the surgeon they went over all the scans imaging. There was no sign of fluid and no masses in the brain. The skull bones also closed as they should. All is good news. The surgeon said to just make sure no rapid growths happen in the future. He also informed us that we could have surgery to fix her forehead but it would be strictly cosmetic. Needless to say, there will be no cosmetic surgery in this girls future.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The start of Christmas 2014

This Christmas is going to be our second Christmas at home with just the four of us. Unlike last year we are not traveling East at all this winter. It feels strange but OK. The first few years I lived away, Cincinnati always felt like home. Over the last 5-6 years that has really changed. Justin and I have become our own family and Cincinnati is more of a vacation place. Now that we are in the process of moving to California I can foresee us traveling less and less back to the East. Hopefully we can do at least one trip a year because I do miss my parents & siblings.

Our church in Arizona does a live nativity. We were asked to play Mary, Joseph, Jesus & an Angel for one of the three nights. I was very excited to participate and honored to play a main role. I was super nervous but once I was told I wouldn't have a speaking role I was sold. Alexa LOVED her costume and made a wonderful angel. She danced around and played with her friend Evie. Between the 2nd and 3rd show she fell asleep in the head angels arms. We laid her on a hay bale and she slept until it was all over. Addison enjoyed the scenery but didn't want to be held for hours on end. The first showing she drank milk peacefully in my arms. During the second show she resisted a bit. The third and fourth shows were tough. By the fifth she was exhausted and fell asleep. She stayed asleep through the last one and it was a peaceful. The nativity was put together by over 150 people a night. There was a brass band, carolers, puppet show (teen ministry), kids crafts, and full tours through the town of Bethlehem including live animals. There were 8-10 scenes showing different events of the story. At the end was the birth of Jesus with live music and the story telling. It was an amazing experience and I am so grateful we were able to participate.

Our first Christmas was with Grammie. I always love when my Mom comes in town. She is such an awesome help and they just adore her. Alexa kept Grammie very busy. Grammie took the girls shopping for a few new toys. Alexa picked out Skye from Paw Patrol and a karaoke machine from My Little Pony. Addison picked out a lap piano and a Mickey Mouse train. After the toy store we went to Lowe's for the kid event. Alexa's train was a bit more than she was able to do on her own. Grammie and I somehow put the train together & Alexa was satisfied with putting on the stickers. She was really excited for her new vest & getting her first patch. Saturday afternoon we did a traditional Christmas celebration. The girls both enjoyed their gifts from Grammie & loved to give her the ornaments they made and the small gifts they picked out. Saturday night Grammie even babysat the girls so Justin and I could go out on our first date since last February. It was wonderful!

Sunday morning we all went to church for the Christmas program. Addison did awesome in the nursery (not always a guarantee) and Alexa sat with us during the program. Sunday after Justin had us hot wings & then had to head back to California. Sunday night we took Grammie through the live nativity. On Monday, Grammie and I read a story to Alexa's class. The kids were great and Alexa enjoyed showing Grammie her classroom. Unfortunately her visit was short and we had to take her back to the airport. Alexa was very sad to see her leave and wants her to come back very soon.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ENT & Neurosurgeon

It took about a week to get appointments made for Addison's referrals. The ENT was relatively easy to get in to. Once we arrived we did the usual new patient paperwork and answered questions about Addison's ear history. Her pediatrician was concerned with excess wax build up in her ear. The ENT doctor didn't notice an excess amount of wax. He did however remind me that she is suppose to get looked at every 6 months until her tubes are out (rather they fall out or have to be surgically removed.) We were only a month behind so I didn't feel too bad. I just need to remember to get her looked at again in June. The ENT said her tubes are in place and looking good.  He said they should stay in for about 2 years before they need to be removed. Such a relief to have one appointment off our list.

The second appointment was to the pediatrics neuro surgery office. Her pediatrician was concerned with the size and shape of Addison's head. She has been in the 99.99% since 9 months old. Her head also pushes forward. The neurosurgeon was much harder to get into. We ended up getting squeezed in 2 weeks after the initial request. Addison weighed in at 21 lbs 8 oz at 16 months. I am thinking their scale may be a little off. I cant imagine her growing 1 pound 7 oz in just 3 weeks. The doctor is concerned that Addison may have 1 or 2 conditions going on. The first is craniosynostosis which is premature closing of the skull bones. Since her head is large in the front she checked the back to see if anything felt closed. She couldn't say for certain either way. If one did close then surgery would be involved to correct. The second condition is hydocephalus which is water on the brain. This could be inside or outside the skull. If it's outside the skull then we wont need to do anything. If it's inside the skull there would be surgery involved to correct. Addison had some softness on her forehead but otherwise it's hard to visually see. The doctor ordered a CT scan. The scan will show very clearly if Addison has either condition. We are still waiting for the office to call and schedule the appointment. We should have our answers and plan of action by Christmas.

Overall Addison is a healthy girl. She is hitting all her milestones and seems happy. We are hopefully that once all the testing is done it will show she just had a big head (smart girl.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Opps where did you go November????

The first weekend in November the girls and I did our weekend drive to San Diego. Alexa gets sooo excited when we go to visit Justin. We did some house hunting and general driving around to learn different areas. Alexa and Justin took a Daddy/Daughter date to "Nickles." Alexa came back super excited and even brought a gift for Addison. Since this date she has requested to go back several times. I don't think she has grasp the concept of location. Hopefully we can take her back to the arcade once we move to San Diego. On our way back to Arizona we came across a major accident. Unfortunately this was on a road that has no exits for 39 miles. I made the decision to turn around. It added an hour and a half to our trip. Alexa was sooo worried she would miss Cubbies. She ended up being 45 minutes late but I am glad she was able to go for a little bit. She is really determined to get her perfect attendance this quarter.

During November Alexa started showing signs of missing Justin. Her teacher noticed she was not wanting to participate as much. At home she started testing her limits and blaming all her behaviors on "missing Daddy." We are all doing our best to make sure this transition is the easiest it can be on Alexa. Unfortunately it is a big change and she is going to experience some heart ache.

Addison had her 15 month well visit. She is hitting all her milestones and growing quickly. She is even moving up in the percentiles. Her doctor was unable to locate the tubes in her ears. We are going to the ENT early next month to get them checked. We are praying that they are both in place. The doctor is also concerned about her head. It is quite large and showing some frontal lobe irregularities. Her neuro surgery appointment isn't until the middle of December. I am going nuts thinking about the wait.

Thanksgiving weekend was a great 4 day weekend for our family. Addison learned to play Hungry, Hungry Hippos for the first time. Alexa helped me with some baking. We did a little shopping for our new Christmas PJ's. Justin wanted matching family ones for our trip to the Grand Canyon.

Alexa finished up her swim lessons in Arizona. She has been swimming twice a week since July. She now swims above and below the water with decent form. She is comfortable entering and exciting the pool of any depth. She loves to do flips and dive for rings. We will be putting her back into lessons in a few months. She really loves to be in the water & I want to make sure she has that opportunity.

Alexa still has 2 more weeks of gymnastics. She has bounced between a few different classes at the same gym. Since August she has learned to do a proper front roll, a beginner back roll & several new techniques. I think her favorite things are the trampoline, bars & floor toys. She prefers the open gym sessions over structured classes. We try to do both each week when the schedule allows us to. She is currently in the last preschool level of gymnastics. She will move into level 1 shortly.

December is a busy month for us (and probably everyone). We are looking forward to lots of family time & then moving in just a few weeks.