Monday, August 31, 2015

Chicago Vacation

We decided in early August that we needed to schedule a trip to Chicago to visit Great- Grandma & Grandpa McKinney. Looking at flights during Alexa's school breaks was rough. Everything was very expensive. I got a crazy idea to check August flights. They were a quarter of the price. I couldn't resist! So we planned our trip only two weeks before we went to the airport. Justin was a trooper and decided to fly out with us for the weekend to help with the girls (and to visit of course.)

Our first flight was a late evening flight. We knew Alexa would fall asleep right away but we didn't know how Addison would act at bedtime. In the airport the girls had a great time playing. Once we board the plane they were excited.

Addison slept during the first hour. Then the baby behind us woke up and cried.. waking up Addison. She then needed to be entertained for the last three hours. Alexa watched Big Hero 6 and then slept until we got off the plane. 

On Saturday we hung out at Grandma & Grandpa's house. The girls were sooo excited to see their grandparents. They picked flowers with Grandma & watered the flowers with Grandpa.

The next day we saw Uncle John, Aunt Kelly, Chris & Shawna. Alexa wasn't feel well so she spent some time on their couch. After awhile she popped up and said she was hungry. She ended up feeling better and even was able to swim. Addison was crazy excited about their dog. She ran around and chased him while yelling "Doggie."

On Monday morning Justin flew home to get back to work. The girls and I stayed for two extra days to get extra cuddle time. It was very chilly so we spent most of the days inside but we made the most of them. My favorite Alexa and Grandma memory was listening to Grandma read "Tickle Monster" to her. My favorite memory of Addison and Grandpa was the two of them sitting outside holding hands. It was a great few days.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Doctor, Dentist & Therapy

Alexa June had her dentist visit this month. She was very excited that it was just the two of us going. She got 100% of Momma's attention. The x-rays are always the hardest part. They use the same size film on kids as they do adults. Alexa was sooo brave and followed all the hygienists directions. This is her first time in 3 years of dentist visits that she did the x-rays on her own and not on our laps.
The top picture shows Alexa's teeth. The dentist said her teeth look fantastic and that they are very well taken care of. She also believes Alexa has another 1-2 years before she will start losing teeth. The final comment was that her adult teeth are very large and it expect braces in her future. This comment has been made by all 3 of her dentists in all 3 states. So I guess I need to start that sinking fund. Of all it was a great visit.. she is good for another 6 months.

Addison had her two year old well visit this month. She is doing so well in her development. She pointed out some many different shapes on the walls and allowed the nurse and doctor to do all her tests. I was excited that she was able to stand on the scale and get measured this time. It was only 4 months ago that she screamed and wouldn't let them touch her. The doctor gave us two referrals. One to the allergist for her peanut allergy and one for a speech evaluation. The doctor wasn't overly concerned about her speech but he said he wont see her again for a year and by then it is too late for early intervention. Overall another good appointment. We will have to go back next month for flu shots but that is it for a year. My baby girl is growing up!

Addison had her speech evaluation. Overall she was 4 months behind in her speech. This isn't a huge gap but we would rather close it up now then have her fall further behind. Addison knows more nouns then most two year olds. She can point to things and say their name. The area Addison's struggles with is called expressive language disorder. When she was being evaluated she was doing great and then they got to the expressive or action area and it was like she hit a brick wall. She just stopped talking. It was crazy but excited to see that they could identify where she is struggling.

Addison will be doing individual therapy for about a month and then group therapy there after. The hope is that she will be caught up in about 4-5 months. This Momma is hopeful. We are also going to be going to parent support group classes to help with dealing with Addison's challenges and will be given tools to help her the best we can.

So proud of my girls and look forward to the months ahead.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Addison is 2!!!

My baby girl is two years old. It makes me tear up just typing that sentence. Addison was a very tough baby but I still never wanted to see it go by so quickly. The older Addison gets the calmer and more pleasant she is becoming. Her talking is a bit behind for 2 years old but she is making good progress. My favorite words are "Yoshi" (here it is) and Mick-me (Mickey). She has learned to ask for help and has pretty decent manners, using please and thank you regularly. She will still scream to get our attention if she doesn't know how to say the words she is needing.

Addison for the most part knows her colors. She knows 8-10 shapes and numbers 1-10. She likes to color, play with stickers and play dough. Addison LOVES gymnastics open gym and swimming. She has moved into her big girl class and is improving weekly. I love my little toddler athlete.

Addison's eating has improved. She is liking pastas and meats the most. She likes some sweets and pretty much anything in a liquid form. Addison weights about 25lbs and is 32 inches. She is growing into a real kid. Slow down peanut!

For Addison's birthday we went to a movie in the park the night before. Alexa told the DJ it was her sisters birthday. The DJ announced it and sang to her. She loved the attention. Kristen, Julia and Emily brought her presents and cupcakes. On Addison's birthday we took her to the zoo to ride the ZooFari and the petting zoo. Addison had a great time. We were told the sheep do not eat from human hands. For some reason they chose to eat from Addison's. It was really special. After lunch we did cake and presents. Addison did not like having icing on her hands but did like the attention. She was excited about her presents and most excited about the balloons. In the evening the girls and I went to Legoland. We rode all of Addison's favorite rides and visited the aquarium. 

Looking forward we have Addison's annual allergy tests. We have been praying hard for her to overcome her peanut allergy. Addison will also be starting preschool next month (only 2 mornings a week). We also have to tackle potty training. I keep putting it off but plan on starting sometime this month.

We love you Addison Alena!