Alexa June is 5 years old. Alexa is now 40.5 inches tall and weighs around 32-33 pounds. Our petite princess is growing into a wonderful little girl. She is so caring and compassionate towards other people and animals. She is the first to comfort someone in need and very self aware. It's amazing how my tiny little baby has become so full functioning in just 5 years. I love watching her grow and learn new things. She asks at least 100 questions a day. She is consistently wanting to know why and how things work. Sometimes I get frustrated with all the questions but I try to remember it's all good things. One day I will be asking her questions about technology and popular fashions.. so for now I will enjoy my turn being the "expert."
Alexa had school on her birthday. She seemed a bit shocked that she went to do school even though it was such an important day (for her). At school she wore a special ribbon (medal as she called it) saying she was 5. She also was able to do a few extra special things in her class room.
After school, Addison, Alexa and I went to Nickel City for some play time. The girls played many games. Alexa was especially good at the fish bowl game. She ended up with lots of toys and candy to share.
Once we got home we had a small party with Uncle Will. Alexa picked out a fireman cake and red decorations. She was very pleased with how to it all turned out. She enjoyed opening gifts and getting special things in the mail. 40 ring pops from her Dad was one of the high lights.
Throughout the day Alexa received over a dozen phone calls. Although she appreciated all the calls it did become a bit overwhelming. One thing I know for certain is that she felt loved.
It was a wonderful day!
We love you more every day, Alexa June.