Halloween was a full month event this year. The first weekend of October we went to Brick or Treat at Legoland. The girls were able to do some trick or treating, compete in a costume contest and then enjoy the Halloween themed rides. Addison was pretty excited to put on her costume. She wasn't so sure about taking candy but seemed to enjoy herself. Alexa LOVED the attention and every bit of trick or treating. The costume contest was cute. Alexa introduced them and answered a few questions. Addison mostly stared in confusion. It was a great night and BOTH girls fell asleep on my back at different times.
The next Halloween event was going to the pumpkin patch. We miss our Kansas farm but enjoyed trying out a new one here. The girls rode ponies, played in the petting zoo and did a few bounce houses. We then rode a tractor ride as a family and took some pictures in the pumpkin patch. It ended up being very hot so it was a quick morning. Another fun event in the bag.
The next event we did was Point Loma Nazarene Festival. We were unsure of what this event would be. We were pleasantly surprised with how great it was. The girls once again rode ponies, picked out pumpkins, we did a family horse drawn carriage ride and then some bounce houses. Yes I am noticing the trend of our events. It was a wonderful day filled with views of the ocean and lots of kids laughing. We even ran into some school/church friends.
The last event(s) we did leading up to Halloween was painting and carving our pumpkins. Both girls enjoyed getting down and dirty with the paint. We pull out the little pool and let them get messy. Such a sweet time. Neither girl wanted to touch the inside of the pumpkins when we were carving. Alexa was terrified when she was 2, so I didn't have high expectations that Addison would at the same age. In the end the girls enjoyed seeing our cat and Mickey Mouse glow.

Oops! Can't forget the two events at the Y that we did. First was the fall festival. The girls did crafts, played games and got their face and hand painted. It was a cute but loud event. We ended up losing Addison's costume hat somewhere in the hour we were there. I looked for days but never found it. Luckily she didn't mind on Halloween. The other event was the pumpkin dive. The Y didn't do their research and were surprised to see that pumpkins actually float and not sink. It turned into a pumpkin rescue. Alexa had a good time swimming for a pumpkin for her and Dawson. Afterwards they were able to decorate their pumpkins. Dawson named his Alexa and vice versa.

On the day of Halloween we had a birthday party and then went to Krispy Kreme for the girls free donuts since they were in costume. Unfortunately it was Addison's nap time and it was busy. We left with donuts but it wasn't a pleasant experience. Probably one tradition we wont continue next year. After a nap the girls were recharged. We got dressed and drove to Beaumont Street (La Jolla) to trick or treat. Addison still wasn't sure what it was all about. After a failed attempt for pictures we were off. Our first stop was with two super nice ladies who had a cat nailed Collins. Addison quickly realized she was going to have a good time. We spent the next hour and half walking down a busy and VERY well decorated street. It was the best trick or treating time we have ever had. We will go back to this street next year.