Once again the girls were eager to rejoin as many activities as I would let them. Alexa tried out and made competitive soccer. It was a fun surprise. Alexa works hard but it very new to the sport. Competitive soccer is quite the commitment. She has practice twice a week, indoor games on Sundays and tournaments about once a month. In the fall the will play regular season games on the weekends. Alexa is still continuing piano. She just had her third recital. She seems to enjoy it for the most part. After another few months she will know enough to switch to a new instrument if she choices. She is also in gymnastics as a strength sport. And of course she is still doing AWANA with the family.
Addison is showing a real talent for sports. She has become quite strong (mostly a good thing) and is getting fast. We decided to move her back to a competitive gym for gymnastics class. After just a few months she has made a lot of progress. She is also asking to go back to soccer. She is signed up to play for Alexa's soccer club on their recreational league in August. We are officially a soccer family. Addison loves AWANA the most. She has made friends and loves her teachers. She thrives in that sort of environment. Our church program goes through 4th grade. Justin and I both volunteer in SPARKS (1-2 grade) this year. Next year, Addison asked if I would be in her group. I cannot wait.