There will never be a better time to catch up on blogging than during this time home. As of today we have now been home full time for 29 days! Its flown by. At first I was nervous about missing a few weeks of work to be home while the girls schools were projected to be closed for 2 whole weeks, right before Spring Break. I was afraid my network wouldn't work and the time would just be wasted. How wrong was my perspective 4 weeks ago. At first I was determined to use the time to have the girls catch up on school, Awana, soccer, piano, softball, while Justin and I did all the house hold projects, de-cluttering and prepping to sell our house. the list never ended. Instead of slowing down, my first thought was to make the most of this time. Great, I have a few extra hours to get even more stuff in to my day.
The first week went as you can imagine. We fell flat on our faces. We did get a lot done. The checklists were getting smaller. We even had time to have a St. Patrick's Day last party with our close group of friends. However, my computer went down and it was the end of the world. We packed up and spent a few hours at my work. Instead of enjoying the last few hours with my co-workers before we would work remotely indefinitely, I crammed to do as much as I could from my desk. I brought stuff for the girls to do. Because they could not waste a few hours where they could otherwise check things off their lists. Even typing this, I am in shock.
Week 2 came and the girls had real school work to do. At this point, I had all the kinks in my work figured out. I was successfully getting a full 8+ hours in every single day, Yah me! The girls lists were huge... like 6 hours of school work if they maximized every "required" item and all the optional items as well. Great, they can now do their school, soccer, Awana, piano, add write letters to all distant relatives, Facetime with Grandparents and connect with their friends and get their daily bike rides in. Yup, that lasted one week.
Week 3.. We have found a balance of doing all the required school work and none of the optional. PE, yeah covered with our now every other day bike rides. Technology, come on, that's what school is now anyways. Music, piano lessons are sufficient. Science, go make lunch and use measuring cups. Problem solved... Something happened this week. Through it all, we have found so much peace in doing nothing. Family dinner, every single night and ending with games and movies. It's become my own slice of heaven.
Week 4 is Spring Break. School has now been closed indefinitely... a new common word around here. Kids are required to do their normal morning routines, 45 minutes of educational activities and then whatever they want the rest of the day. It was a break we all needed. We certainly have not found the most ideal balance, but we (as in me) have been flexible with going with the flow.
I hope looking back on this time, I remember what its like to watch the girls learn a new school concept. Family game night. Sharing new inside jokes and enjoying all the small things. I hope the girls friendship continues flourish. I hope they remember all the helpers. Looking for ways to help others, and identifying all the people who are making this such a wonderful time.