Saturday, April 17, 2010

Baby Girl!

Not much went on during week 14 or 15. My morning sickness has gone away completely. I have started to really enjoy being pregnant. My pre-pregnancy clothes are starting to fit again. The reason for this is that the baby has moved up to just below the belly button allowing me to button my pants. My shirts are a little tighter, but not too bad.

On Tuesday morning I went to the urgent care for a rash that was covering my stomach and upper legs. They diagnosed it with a mild case of PUPPP. Puritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, also known as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, is the most common rash in pregnant women. It normally occurs in first pregnancies during the third trimester with an average onset of 35 weeks. Thankfully, PUPPP does not usually affect subsequent pregnancies. It is completely harmless to baby, just really annoying to me. It has almost completely cleared for now. It can come back since its early, but I have a steroid cream to treat it.

On Thursday we had our 16 week (month 4) pregnancy checkup with the OB. Vitals were all where they wanted them & I put on the expected weight. Babies heart beat was in the 140's & looking good. I did mention some cramping I was having. The doctor was not concerned with the side pain, but was concerned about the uterus pain. After describing the pain she requested that I had an ultrasound. She was concerned that my cervix was shortening. The ultrasound tech determined that was not the case. She offered to let us see the baby. At that time the baby was sitting on her knees with her hands on her head (looked like she was pouting). The tech also though it was a girl :)

Mom came in town for the weekend to able to attend the 4D ultrasound scheduled for Saturday. We spent 20 minutes watching the baby kick her legs & move her arms around. We were then confirmed that it is in fact a girl. Alexa June will be arriving in just 5 months. :) She was laying with her belly up and resting her head to the side. If you click on the photos above you can see 22 photos from the appointment.

This week we are looking forward to registering for Lexi & finding out rather she will have a girl or boy cousin.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again! I really enjoyed looking at the pictures of Lexi. Have a great week!
