Thursday, August 12, 2010

33 Weeks

On Saturday we had our 2nd 4D ultrasound. Alexa looked adorable. The ultrasound tech called her a "chunky monkey." She has very full cheeks, her Daddy's nose & my chin. She was constantly holding her left hand up next to her face. The cord made it challenging for a decent picture, but we were able to get a few. Her head, belly & leg give the tech an estimated weight of 3lbs 14ounces. Of course this can be very inaccurate, but it at least means she is growing at the correct rate.

Monday was our last birthing class. I believe it was the most informative class in the series, at least for me. The instructor went over postpartum care, Alexa's first few weeks & then answered all of our last minute questions. I guess we are ready for our hospital stay.

Alexa will continue on her last growth spurt this week. She should already be almost to her birth length, so most of the change will be in her weight. Her head will increase about 1/4 of an inch in size to make room for her growing brain. Lastly, her skin will start taking on more of a pink color.

We have been working on the final touches in the nursery. Justin finished putting up Alexa's shelves & some Winnie the Pooh photos. The only thing it is missing is the baby & a few minor details. I have been feeling pretty good for 7 1/2 months. My feet & hands have experienced an increase in the swelling and my back is constantly sore. I have tried to up my water intake & elevate my feet as much as possible. There isn't much else I can do until the temperature goes down and this baby is born.

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