Thursday, January 6, 2011

16 Weeks Old

We started the week off with our last stop during our Christmas travels. Jayson came home for his R & R, so of course we had to stop through Nashville. This was also the first time Alexa would meet him. We met the 3 of them as well as Jay & Susan at a mall just outside of the city. We were enjoying our visit for about 2 hours. Then Alexa started panicking. She was screaming in such a high pitch sound and had real tears running down her face. Justin & I were dumbfounded on what happened to our usually calm baby. After an hour of screaming that started inside the mall & moved to the Macy's bathroom we determined it was gas. We ran with Alexa through the store into the car & drove to the local Walgreens. After giving Alexa gas drops she calmed down and feel asleep. We thought the crisis was passed. After 30minutes Alexa woke up she started screaming again. We decided to take her to the hospital just to make sure we were correct on the gas diagnosis. The hospital staff was fantastic. They were very encouraging to us as parents & reassured us that we made the correct decision. In the end we left there feeling Alexa was going to be OK.

Over the next few days we continued to give Alexa the gas drops. If I missed a bottle she would get very upset. Once we made it back home she seemed to be doing better & I have lowered the gas drop dosage to just once a day. Unfortunately this was not the end of Alexa's digestion issues. On Tuesday she started rejecting her bottles. She would eventually eat & throw up the entire bottle. This went on for two days but we have since been able to resume our normal feeding schedule. We are anxious to find out what he doctor recommends us trying if this continues.

Alexa now prefers to be held in the standing position instead of sitting. She will giggle & give huge smiles when you stand her up. She has started to enjoy her jumperoo more. We have to bounce her ourselves since her tiny legs do not yet reach the ground. Alexa has been very successful with her thumb sucking. Justin captured an adorable photo with her thumb in her mouth and her fingers spread out over her face. Lastly, Alexa has found her feet. She will hold them in her hands but only for a short time. She tried to put on in her mouth but decided her hands were a lot easier.

This week was very special & important to our family. We had a great time together & made many memories. I know Alexa will not remember this time, but Justin and I will certainly not forget it.

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