While I was in South Carolina for two weeks Justin and Alexa flew to visit me. I was sooo excited to see them. This was only the second time I have been away from Alexa over night. When I picked them up, Alexa saw me and got really excited. She was not expecting to see me. We went to Greenville to see some of Justin's family. Alexa was really shy & even a bit crabby during dinner. However we survived and it was a nice visit. Saturday afternoon we meet up with Margaret Ann, Jeremy & Jackson. I cannot believe it was my first time meeting him (outside of the womb). I feel like I know him from going through the pregnancy with MA & keeping up with them on Facebook. Alexa and Jackson instantly clicked. Alexa even started showing off & ate lots of food for him. We spent the afternoon at the zoo where both kids cried on the carousel but enjoy everything else. They both especially enjoyed the aquarium. After very long naps we went over to their house for dinner. Ms. JoAnn & Mr. Bill joined us. The kids had a great time playing inside & out. Alexa played baseball for the first time. Jackson is very good with the bat & almost took Alexa out a few times. At one point Ms. JoAnn asked if Alexa could have a blueberry. I said sure but she probably wont eat it. To my surprise Alexa took one at a time and ate them right up. She must of had two dozen blue berries & even ate a good dinner. Justin and I were in shock. I am not sure if she felt inspired by Jackson eating or if the medicine is making that much of a difference. Either way we are happy & proud.
Sunday morning we went to church at St. Andrew's. It felt great to be bringing Alexa back to a place that means so much to us. St. Andrew's was the place were our marriage was started, were Alexa was dedicated & our adult friendships all started. We ended up talking with our friends all the way through bible study. We did attend the service & Alexa had a good time. She got a bit loud, so Justin and Alexa took a walk. That afternoon was the churches picnic. Ms. JoAnn held Alexa and did not want to put her down. We all enjoyed the day.
I was very sad to take Justin and Alexa back to the airport. I had to spend 3 more days away from them.
Memorial Day weekend we were together as a family. We went to the zoo & saw a really big snake (not in the snake house). We rode the hang cart ride as a family. Alexa & I also rode a camel. It was a great day. We ended the evening with dinner at Stix. It is a hibachi style Japanese restaurant. Every time we go there it is as though it's Alexa's first time. She is amazed by the fire & claps by the end of the show.
On Sunday planted our summer flowers. We were behind because of all the traveling. Alexa helped me arrange them & we both got very dirty. The flowers are doing surprisingly well for being such a late plant. Alexa enjoys watering the flowers & now Justin and I. Justin taught Alexa how to aim the hose at us & she thinks it is hilarious. So we now have to water the flowers after work instead of before.
On Memorial Day we went to a Children's Farmstead. It was amazing! They had an endless number of things to do. Alexa was able to see lots of animals from cows to chickens, buffalo & horses. She was able to feed the baby goats a bottle & even do some fishing. Alexa fell asleep during the hayride so we ended up leaving before we saw everything. It is a great place that I am certain we will be going back to in the future.
The next weekend Justin headed back to South Carolina for his brothers high school graduation. Alexa and I were sad to see him go but enjoyed our time alone. We spent the weekend cuddling & playing outside. We even went for our very first run together (just the two of us). I noticed 2 miles in that Alexa was sound asleep and her blanket was no longer with us. Instead of retracing the 2 miles I decided to run home and get the car. I am glad I did because we found the blanket almost half way through our run. I am glad it went unharmed.
The last weekend this month we had an adventurous one. We did a family 5K for the Army's Birthday. It was surprisingly very hilly. Justin and I both struggled. However I finished 2nd & Justin finished 1st for our age/gender categories. I really look forward to doing more of these in the future together. Alexa was very proud of "her" medals & wore them around her neck all afternoon.
This month Alexa transitioned from her baby room (Butterflies) to her toddler room (Kaleidoscope). In March I was not ready for Alexa to transition, but by May we all were. Alexa was getting a bit bored in the baby room. Her new class room is much larger and has lots of stimulating toddler toys. She now has water play twice a week where she gets to wear her swimsuit & play with all her friends. She did really well the first few days transitioning. She ended up staying in there sooner than they originally though. However when I had to bring her in early she was not happy about it. The first day was very hard on both of us. They told me within a few minutes she was fine. The second day she was not wanting to go in. They suggested I help her wash her hands. She did that and then was fine. So glad it got better.
This month we worked on Alexa's colors & getting her to use words instead of sounds to ask for things. I think she grew a bit in height but I can not say for certain.
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