Finally finishing up the long second trimester. The last few weeks have been rather unproductive. Baby Addison has been doing great & not giving too much to worry about. Mother's Day would be my only exception too all of this. I had contractions 2-3 minutes apart for about 4 hours. I was really nervous but did everything I was told to, to help them pass. Finally they slowed down & I was able to breath a sigh of relief. I called the doctor and she told me if they stopped to wait until they started again and then to call back. So far we made it another 8 days without any consecutive hours of more than 10 or so. Outside of this once incident I am doing OK. I still have the crazy right hip pain & of course pregnancy back pain.
Addison and I had our monthly appointment today, right at 27 weeks. I have officially gained 17.5lbs. I fully expect to gain ~30lbs by August and am OK with that. But seeing the increase is still very shocking to me. Knowing my baby girl is only 2lbs or so makes me wonder where it's all going. My blood pressure has been good & my belly measures right on schedule. I had the one hour glucose test & will hear the results tomorrow. I should not have anything to worry about. When the doctor tried to find Addison heartbeat, she went crazy. She started head down with her body to my right. We would hear a few beats, then a swishing like water & a kick. The doctor then tried again on the other side. After a few attempts we were both laughing. Addison ended up completely switching sides and is now head up. Crazy baby girl. We are now going back every 2 weeks for the next 4 visits & then every week after 36 weeks. I have 6 more OB visits scheduled.
My goals for the next 2 weeks includes getting the crib moved upstairs and sorting through some of the clothes. Also want to continue working & not have any preterm labor scares.
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