Alexa's birthday party was last month in Ohio. Of course we still wanted to celebrate her birthday on her birthday as well. Since Justin started working on Portland he was going to be gone on her actual day. Alexa decided on Chuck 'E Cheese for her celebration. We went their the Saturday before. We brought cupcakes and party supplies. Alexa had lots of fun. She danced with ChuckE and got lots of great prizes.
On her actual birthday we brought vegan donuts due to the allergies in her class. The kids ate them as though they were Krispy Kreme's. Alexa LOVED having her friends sing to her and she was so excited they liked the donuts. Alexa of course only at the chocolate icing. After school we had a little celebration at home. Our pastor from a new church we have been attending came over for a home visit. It was completly unexpected but a nice visit. As the pastor was leaving, Justin walked in. He surprised Alexa on her birthday. Truthfully he completely surprised me. That has not happened much in our marriage since I like to know every detail of our lives. Alexa stayed up late and played with her Dad.
Alexa at four is a quite the girl to see. She has a heart of gold. She shows no ill will towards others. She is truly a people pleaser (her sister excluded). Alexa LOVES school and to learn. She has quickly learned many sight words, phonograms and saxon math. She is always coming home with new songs, games and art work. We were told she is academically strong & in the top of her class for reading. We are so proud of her.
Alexa loves to swim and give her teachers a tough time at swim lessons. She likes to swim for her diving sticks in a certain order. Alexa's favorite activity is gymnastics. So far she can kick her feet to the bar and flip through. She is still working on the strength side of things. Her front rolls are definitely perfected and she is working on her back roll. Her cartwheels are at the beginner stage. I wish our schedule allowed her to go more than once a week, but for now the one hour is enough. When swimming ends for the season we may up gymnastics to twice a week.
On Sunday's Alexa goes to cubbies (AWANA). She learns and recites her bible verses every week. I love listening to her remember verses from weeks prior. When she is in trouble she will say she didn't obey. That usually leads to a conversation about obeying and God.
I really feel like this is Alexa's best year. I cant wait to see the girl she grows into.
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