Monday, November 3, 2014

Addison Alena 15 Months Old

Addison starting walking half way through the month. She has been taking a few steps here or there for about 2 months. Last month she started taking 6-8 steps at a time. Now she walks everywhere she goes. I don't think I have seen her crawl in over 2 weeks. It's so cute to watch her figure out her footing. Sometimes she tries to run and stumbles onto her booty. So stinkin cute! It's nice that she can walk into the house by herself or get around without dirtying everything she is wearing. The negative is that she walks away from us any chance she gets. She doesn't necessarily try to be defiant as much as she just likes to explore.

I always had the goal of nursing to a year and long if she wanted to. I knew I wouldn't nurse when she was 2 but I was hoping we would make it to 15 months. We went down to nursing once a day around 14 months. In the last week she has been nursing once every other day. We are now on day 3 of not nursing. I think this is the end of that stage. It definitely makes me sad since I didn't get to nurse Alexa long this was really my first experience with it. I wont miss the occasional biting but I will miss her sweet face and the bonding time.

Addison started sleeping through the night the last week of September. It was like an on and off switch that just changed one day. We have had a few nights where she has woken up once for a minute but nothing crazy. I am sooo grateful for this change. It's been way to long since we all had full nights rest. Addison takes one nap a day and has for quite some time. She typically naps from 9-11am and then from 630pm-6am. It's a great schedule for us.

Addison main form of communication is her arms. She signs a few things (mostly food related), she points to what she wants & she flaps her arms to say hi or bye. So far it's working for her. We are working on words but it's coming along slowly. Addison still babbles a lot. She even acts like she is having full conversations with people. It's super adorable but has no true meaning yet. She does say "cheese" whenever she sees a cell phone (pretending to take a picture).

Addison still has 8 teeth with no signs of more coming in yet. Her hair is growing very quickly. She has 5-6 inches on top and 3-4 inches on the sides. I love it!

Addison likes to make loud noises, eat, chase the vacuum & the cats. She does NOT like the word no or sand (or anything with weird texture).

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