We blinked and the school year came to a close. The last few weeks were tough on both girls. Addy was unsure of what the change of her schedule was going to mean. Alexa was sad about not seeing her friends everyday.
Alexa's class had several events planned. It started with her Kindergarten program. All four classes put on a show for the parents. They wore they custom made shirts and looked adorable. Then they had their end of the year party at the park. The kids presented Ms. Ho with her gift. They also played with bubbles and ate a ton of popsicles. The last day of school the entire school had a family picnic. Addy and I arrived with food and a blanket. We had a fun time playing and socializing for the last time. 30 seconds before the official replace the principal counted down. All the school cheered when they were released for the summer. Alexa hugged her friends and had a tough time.
Addy's last day was a little different. She didn't have a big party or fancy count down. They did however have fun themes and dress up days. Addy enjoyed Hawaiian day. On the last day, Addy said good bye but didn't really grasp what that meant.
Once school was out we quickly established our new summer norm. The girls spend a little time in the morning doing their summer school work. Then we usually have some sort of play date in the afternoon. Every other week we have either a camp or a vacation planned. It will make the 10 weeks fly by.
Summer is such a special time for me as a Mom. I know our summers together are coming to an end. So I am making the most of the last ones we have.
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