Easter Week/ Holy Week started our as our return from Spring Break. On Tuesday we colored eggs. Addy enjoyed writing on eggs with the white crayon. Alexa enjoyed seeing how many different colors she could fit onto one egg. They both liked Justin adding lots of glitter to their final products.
Since Justin was traveling to Egypt, I decided to volunteer at church during the one outdoor service. This meant we were invited to church on Saturday night for a pre-Easter event. We enjoyed worship, praying over the chairs and a wonderful meal. The girls mostly ate bread and cheese. Afterwards all the kids ran around the field and had a fun evening.
Sunday morning we woke up early. The girls raced around the house to find more eggs then their baskets would hold. (Time to upgrade their infant baskets) They enjoyed sorting their eggs and even eating some chocolate before breakfast. The girls wore their dresses from the father/daughter dance to church. Once we arrived at church the girls were able to enjoy the bounce houses before anyone else arrived. They then went to their class and had a wonderful service, including games.
After church we went to the Ellinghaus' home for an egg hunt. The kids once again ran around and had a great time. I wasn't keeping close tabs on Addy's sugar intake. She ended up sick at dinner later in the day. Opps! It ended up being a learning experience for her on her personal limits.
Easter was a special day with a focus on Christ. We did make the most of the commercialized part as well. It never quite felt like a holiday having Justin away.
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