Wednesday, May 16, 2012

20 Months Old

So life happened and I got really far behind on blogging... more than usual.

We had A LOT of traveling happen this month. First Grammie came in town. Alexa was able to spend the day with her & we then spent the weekend as a family. That Saturday was the post garage sales. Grammie, Alexa and I set out VERY early. We were looking for a stroller but ended up finding an Alexa size 4 wheeler, toy kitchen (with lots of food) & a new humidifier for Alexa's room.

The next week we had Alexa's first allergist appointment. We weThis re relieved to find out that Alexa does not have any allergist. She was diagnosed with severe reflux. The reflux has caused her to not be able to eat solids, so in turn she drinks lots of milk & then throws up. Its a bad cycle that we are hoping to correct. Alexa was given Nexium. Justin gives it to her every morning in her yogurt. Two weeks later she was doing a little better & started eating A LOT of new foods and is drinking less milk (less throwing up). She will go back to the doctor in the middle of June for another follow up. So far we are happy with her progress.

Alexa and I took a trip to Cincinnati to watch Maggie graduate college. The flight was good but the traveling took a toll on Alexa. She was very overwhelmed with all the new people and had a rough weekend. She wanted me to be next to her the entire time and came across very shy. It is tough traveling with Alexa alone. I am glad we were able to be there. Alexa was able to see a lot of family & even my Grandparents. We were however relieved to be home and be in our routine.

In May we had our latest gymnastics session. There were 5 total. We did the first two as a family & it was wonderful. I love having memories of the three of us doing something we all enjoy. The third class we were all out of town. The fourth one Justin & Alexa did alone while I was out of town & the last one was just Buggy & I (Justin out of town). It was a hectic time but I am glad we make things Alexa love a priority. She really gets excited when we get to the gym & she is really doing well with it. She can almost do her roll, she is very good a climbing & even watches her feet as she walks on the beam. I am certain we will be in the class again in the fall.

Mothers Day 2011 I moved Alexa to her nursery. It was our first night in separate rooms. This year I had to travel out of town on Mothers Day. The day is not a big deal to me, but it was still sad. I only had to spend 3 days away from Alexa & Justin on the front end & 3 days on the back end.

This month Alexa has learned lots of animal sounds. She signs please whenever she wants something. She shakes her head no when she means yes. When she really means no then she shakes really hard & cries. I feel like she really started getting an attitude. I am not sure if its the "twos" starting or if she was just having a hard time with the crazy schedules. Alexa is still just over 22lbs and 31 inches. She is a peanut but still much bigger than I was at that age.