Friday, May 2, 2014

Addison Alena 9 Months Old!

Addie has been on the "outside" longer than she was in my belly. I cannot believe how fast her first year is going.

This month Addison had her first tooth make its appearance. She also has a second tooth beginning to pop through. She has quickly learned what her new weapon can do. She enjoys bitting fingers, toes and really any body part exposed. She does not realize she is causing us pain but she still enjoys our surprised response when she takes a bite. I am hoping this wonderful habit will disappear quickly.

Addison had her started her fifth round of antibiotics last week. At that appointment we demanded a referral to the ENT. I was able to get her in (with some motivation) the next day. The ENT believed she would benefit from ear tubes. We explained our short timeline for leaving Kansas and we got her scheduled for Friday, April 25th (2 days later). The morning of her surgery we woke Addison up early and kept her in PJ's. We had to drop Alexa off at daycare very early and then start the 40 minute drive downtown. Addison was fussy but not upset. Once we arrived at the surgery center she was hungry. I felt really bad holding her but denying her milk. When Alexa had her surgery it was easier to just hide the bottles. With Addison because I breastfed it's a different challange. We were taken to pre-op at 715 and were in there for over 45 minutes. During that time they took some vitals and kept checking on us. Addison got extremely fussy and Justin was able to put her to sleep. When the nurse came to took her back she was still sleeping. He carried her back wraped up in her blanket. We were sent to sit in the waiting room filled with other cranky toddlers waiting their turn to be called.

After 10 minutes the surgeon came out to get us. He explained that Addison had lots of fluid (as expected) and some scar tissue from the damage. Once we finished with the surgeon we were taken to Addison who was just waking up. She was MAD!!! I tried everything from nursing her to rocking her and she was not happy. Her ears still had blood coming out from them. After about 20 minutes they told us we could take her home. I was really dreading the drive home but knew she would fall asleep once we hit the interstate.

Once we made it home she was a little happier but still fussy. The entire weekend was spent trying to make sure her ears were clean. Her recovery was much harder and longer than Alexa's but we made it through. We are hoping this is the end of our ear infections. Fingers crossed!

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