Monday, August 31, 2015

Chicago Vacation

We decided in early August that we needed to schedule a trip to Chicago to visit Great- Grandma & Grandpa McKinney. Looking at flights during Alexa's school breaks was rough. Everything was very expensive. I got a crazy idea to check August flights. They were a quarter of the price. I couldn't resist! So we planned our trip only two weeks before we went to the airport. Justin was a trooper and decided to fly out with us for the weekend to help with the girls (and to visit of course.)

Our first flight was a late evening flight. We knew Alexa would fall asleep right away but we didn't know how Addison would act at bedtime. In the airport the girls had a great time playing. Once we board the plane they were excited.

Addison slept during the first hour. Then the baby behind us woke up and cried.. waking up Addison. She then needed to be entertained for the last three hours. Alexa watched Big Hero 6 and then slept until we got off the plane. 

On Saturday we hung out at Grandma & Grandpa's house. The girls were sooo excited to see their grandparents. They picked flowers with Grandma & watered the flowers with Grandpa.

The next day we saw Uncle John, Aunt Kelly, Chris & Shawna. Alexa wasn't feel well so she spent some time on their couch. After awhile she popped up and said she was hungry. She ended up feeling better and even was able to swim. Addison was crazy excited about their dog. She ran around and chased him while yelling "Doggie."

On Monday morning Justin flew home to get back to work. The girls and I stayed for two extra days to get extra cuddle time. It was very chilly so we spent most of the days inside but we made the most of them. My favorite Alexa and Grandma memory was listening to Grandma read "Tickle Monster" to her. My favorite memory of Addison and Grandpa was the two of them sitting outside holding hands. It was a great few days.

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